Process Aspects, Room Comfort, Quality of Health ServicesAbstract
This research discusses the quality of health services in the emergency installation unit of Cut Nyak Dhien Regional Hospital. This research aims to determine the quality and analyze the quality of health services in the Emergency Installation Unit of Cut Nyak Dhien Regional Hospital which consists of indicators of structure (input), process and outcome. . This research used a survey research method with a quantitative descriptive method which was carried out in the Emergency Installation Unit of Cut Nyak Dhien Regional Hospital with a sampling method using the accidental sampling method so that a sample of 50 patients was obtained. The results of this study show that the quality of health services in the ER unit is viewed from the structural aspect (Input) which includes the ability of staff, availability of equipment, availability of medicines, completeness of supporting facilities, access to the ER care unit and patient comfort, which is included in the quality category. These results indicate that the quality of the health service structure in the ER unit is in the good category with the resources owned by the ER unit in line with patient expectations. The quality of health services in the ER unit is reviewed from process aspects which include: interpersonal relationships, speed of service, health checks, officer explanations, and record keeping are included in the quality category. These results indicate that the quality of the health service process in the ER unit is in the good category with the interaction between ER staff and patients being well established and meeting the standard service criteria in line with the expectations of patients as service recipients. The quality of service in the ER unit is viewed from the outcome aspect which includes the satisfaction of ER unit patients after receiving services in the quality category. The loyalty of patient visits to the ER unit can be seen from patients who feel satisfied in receiving health services in the ER unit so that after the patient receives the service they will give a positive response and recommend their family to check their health condition and get emergency services at the Cut Nyak Dhien RSUD ER Unit because they feel satisfied. with the service provided. Good achievement of this outcome aspect cannot be separated from good quality structures and processes. There are suggestions and recommendations for the Cut Nyak Dhien Regional Hospital, especially the Emergency Room Unit, to maintain and continue to improve the quality of service from the structural, process and outcome aspects in realizing the Vision and Mission of the Cut Nyak Dhien Regional Hospital to become a world standard hospital.